1 module pulse.simple;
3 import pulse.channelmap;
4 import pulse.sample;
5 import pulse.def;
7 extern (C):
9 /***
10   This file is part of PulseAudio.
12   Copyright 2004-2006 Lennart Poettering
13   Copyright 2006 Pierre Ossman <ossman@cendio.se> for Cendio AB
15   PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
16   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
17   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,
18   or (at your option) any later version.
20   PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
21   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23   General Public License for more details.
25   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
26   along with PulseAudio; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
27 ***/
29 /** \page simple Simple API
30  *
31  * \section overv_sec Overview
32  *
33  * The simple API is designed for applications with very basic sound
34  * playback or capture needs. It can only support a single stream per
35  * connection and has no support for handling of complex features like
36  * events, channel mappings and volume control. It is, however, very simple
37  * to use and quite sufficient for many programs.
38  *
39  * \section conn_sec Connecting
40  *
41  * The first step before using the sound system is to connect to the
42  * server. This is normally done this way:
43  *
44  * \code
45  * pa_simple *s;
46  * pa_sample_spec ss;
47  *
48  * ss.format = PA_SAMPLE_S16NE;
49  * ss.channels = 2;
50  * ss.rate = 44100;
51  *
52  * s = pa_simple_new(NULL,               // Use the default server.
53  *                   "Fooapp",           // Our application's name.
54  *                   PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK,
55  *                   NULL,               // Use the default device.
56  *                   "Music",            // Description of our stream.
57  *                   &ss,                // Our sample format.
58  *                   NULL,               // Use default channel map
59  *                   NULL,               // Use default buffering attributes.
60  *                   NULL,               // Ignore error code.
61  *                   );
62  * \endcode
63  *
64  * At this point a connected object is returned, or NULL if there was a
65  * problem connecting.
66  *
67  * \section transfer_sec Transferring data
68  *
69  * Once the connection is established to the server, data can start flowing.
70  * Using the connection is very similar to the normal read() and write()
71  * system calls. The main difference is that they're called pa_simple_read()
72  * and pa_simple_write(). Note that these operations always block.
73  *
74  * \section ctrl_sec Buffer control
75  *
76  * \li pa_simple_get_latency() - Will return the total latency of
77  *                               the playback or record pipeline, respectively.
78  * \li pa_simple_flush() - Will throw away all data currently in buffers.
79  *
80  * If a playback stream is used then the following operation is available:
81  *
82  * \li pa_simple_drain() - Will wait for all sent data to finish playing.
83  *
84  * \section cleanup_sec Cleanup
85  *
86  * Once playback or capture is complete, the connection should be closed
87  * and resources freed. This is done through:
88  *
89  * \code
90  * pa_simple_free(s);
91  * \endcode
92  */
94 /** \file
95  * A simple but limited synchronous playback and recording
96  * API. This is a synchronous, simplified wrapper around the standard
97  * asynchronous API.
98  *
99  * See also \subpage simple
100  */
102 /** \example pacat-simple.c
103  * A simple playback tool using the simple API */
105 /** \example parec-simple.c
106  * A simple recording tool using the simple API */
108 /** \struct pa_simple
109  * An opaque simple connection object */
110 struct pa_simple;
112 /** Create a new connection to the server. */
114 /**< Server name, or NULL for default */
115 /**< A descriptive name for this client (application name, ...) */
116 /**< Open this stream for recording or playback? */
117 /**< Sink (resp. source) name, or NULL for default */
118 /**< A descriptive name for this stream (application name, song title, ...) */
119 /**< The sample type to use */
120 /**< The channel map to use, or NULL for default */
121 /**< Buffering attributes, or NULL for default */
122 /**< A pointer where the error code is stored when the routine returns NULL. It is OK to pass NULL here. */
123 pa_simple* pa_simple_new (
124     const(char)* server,
125     const(char)* name,
126     pa_stream_direction_t dir,
127     const(char)* dev,
128     const(char)* stream_name,
129     const(pa_sample_spec)* ss,
130     const(pa_channel_map)* map,
131     const(pa_buffer_attr)* attr,
132     int* error);
134 /** Close and free the connection to the server. The connection object becomes invalid when this is called. */
135 void pa_simple_free (pa_simple* s);
137 /** Write some data to the server. Returns zero on success, negative on error. */
138 int pa_simple_write (pa_simple* s, const(void)* data, size_t bytes, int* error);
140 /** Wait until all data already written is played by the daemon.
141  * Returns zero on success, negative on error. */
142 int pa_simple_drain (pa_simple* s, int* error);
144 /** Read some data from the server. This function blocks until \a bytes amount
145  * of data has been received from the server, or until an error occurs.
146  * Returns zero on success, negative on failure. */
148 /**< The connection object. */
149 /**< A pointer to a buffer. */
150 /**< The number of bytes to read. */
152 /**< A pointer where the error code is stored when the function returns
153  * a negative value. It is OK to pass NULL here. */
154 int pa_simple_read (pa_simple* s, void* data, size_t bytes, int* error);
156 /** Return the playback or record latency. */
157 pa_usec_t pa_simple_get_latency (pa_simple* s, int* error);
159 /** Flush the playback or record buffer. This discards any audio in the buffer.
160  * Returns zero on success, negative on error. */
161 int pa_simple_flush (pa_simple* s, int* error);